Schedule Timeline for CAT-South Students
Career Explorations:
Current 8th or 9th-grade students must apply via magnet application
Career Exploration is NOT required to do a level 1 program
Students rotate through 4 different areas to learn new skills - this takes place over 1 semester
Students have the ability to earn up to 0.5 elective credits
Students are NOT able to select CAT-South classes when registered for classes at their homeschool as we require an application process
Once students are accepted CAT-South will reach out to students’ homeschools for schedules to be adjusted
Decision letters & emails are sent out in the spring (April/May)
Level 1:
Current 9th or 10th-grade students must apply via the magnet application
Cosmetology is a 10th grade entry only
Academy of Health is an 11th-grade entry only
Students are NOT able to select CAT-South classes when registered for classes at their homeschool as we require an application process
Once students are accepted CAT-South will reach out to students’ homeschools for schedules to be adjusted
Decision letters & emails are sent out in the spring (April/May)
Level 2:
Students do NOT need to apply for level 2 courses
Instead, students will fill out a letter of intent - school counselor will meet with students during both semesters for this form to be filled out
Students are not guaranteed a spot in level 2
Their behavior, grade, and attendance in level 1 affects their chances of continuing in the program
Students are NOT able to select CAT-South classes when registered for classes at their homeschool as we require an application process
Once students are accepted CAT-South will reach out to students’ homeschools for schedules to be adjusted
Decision letters & emails are sent out in the spring (April/May)
Level 3:
Cosmetology is the only program with a required level 3
They will fill out the same letter of intent that they did for level 2
It is possible for students to complete a level 3 which would be an independent study
This is determined by the teachers - space needs to be available in the class as well as have curriculum fo the student(s)
Internships/Work-Baed Learning:
Student are able to do an internship or work-based learning in their program
Contact Tom Dickinson, Internship Site Coordinator
This is not a requirement for students, but its a great opportunity to learn, make money, and make connections with employer